About Us



My goal is to make international streaming and Video-on-demand (Vod) content accessible in Canada. I have written many guides that help Canadians access streaming services like HBO, Hulu and others. Think of this site as an easy way to cut the cord but with greater quality

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Our story

We started as a small company with big ambitions. We started off working with a VPN company. We found that there was a unique demand of VPN in the streaming space. We dedicated our time in providing solution to our readers and helping them easily access content that was geo-blocked.


At HowtoSteam, we operate with a set of guiding beliefs and values that define us. We don’t stray away from our beliefs and our values define how we work together to live up to our beliefs.

We work hard to bring you the best solutions available in the market. We believe in giving back to the society and our own people.

Our beliefs are universal truths and they haven’t changed ever since we formed this company and they will always be the same 50 years from now.

We are fully committed to help people around us succeed and flourish in their lives.

Our Beliefs

We believe in providing excellence

We believe in giving back to the people

We believe in internet freedom

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